Cake cream made with milk and eggs. Custard with milk. Cream for cake made from milk and butter with eggs

Custard is quite versatile. It is suitable for a variety of cakes and pastries. There are many different cooking options, but all are based on the classic recipe.

The finished product, depending on its composition, may have a high calorie content or, conversely, contain few calories.

Each person will be able to choose the most suitable option for themselves. Below are the simplest ones.

Classic milk custard - step by step photo recipe

The most popular is the classic recipe. The finished product will be smooth and creamy, tasting similar to homemade ice cream.

Your mark:

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Quantity: 1 serving


  • Milk: 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar: 1 tbsp.
  • Egg: 2 pcs.
  • Flour: 2 tbsp. l.
  • Butter: 50 g
  • Vanillin: a pinch

Cooking instructions

Delicate protein custard

The amount of ingredients given in this recipe is enough for one medium-sized cake. If desired, they can be reduced or doubled, then the output, accordingly, will be greater or less.

  • Water – 0.5 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 300 g
  • Egg whites – 3 pcs.

What to do:

  1. First of all, mix water and sugar, bring to a boil and, stirring, cook until tender. Readiness is determined as follows: from time to time, drop a sugar solution from a spoon into a container with cold water. When the drop turns into a soft ball that can be crushed in your hands, the syrup is ready. It is important not to overcook; cooking time takes no more than 10 minutes.
  2. The next step is to whip the whites into a strong foam.
  3. Pour the syrup in a thin stream into the stable protein mass without stopping the mixer. The whites will fall off at first, don't be alarmed and continue beating the mixture until it becomes smooth and fluffy.
  4. When the mass gains volume and resembles a snow-white cap, add vanillin and lemon juice (can be replaced with a few crumbs of citric acid). Beat for another 30 seconds.
  5. Fill tubes or baskets with the finished cream, decorate the cake or pastries.

Sour cream custard

This custard recipe is suitable for decorating the top of a cake because it holds its shape well.

You will need:

  • 200 g butter;
  • 150 g granulated sugar;
  • 300 g sour cream;
  • a tablespoon of flour;
  • egg;
  • a little vanilla.

How to cook:

  1. Grind the egg with granulated sugar and place on low heat.
  2. As soon as it boils, add flour.
  3. Stir the mixture constantly so that it does not burn.
  4. After 3-5 minutes, add vanillin and sour cream.
  5. Stirring, bring to a boil.
  6. Once the mixture thickens, remove from heat and whisk thoroughly.
  7. Allow the resulting mass to cool.
  8. Separately, beat the slightly melted butter until fluffy.
  9. Combine the whipped butter and cooled egg mixture, continuing to beat.
  10. The cream should gain volume and become homogeneous. Before use, you need to let it harden a little in the refrigerator.

Cream custard

For this option you will need:

  • 400 ml cream 10% fat;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 g granulated sugar;
  • pack of butter;
  • a tablespoon of flour.

Cooking process:

  1. Grind the yolks, flour and granulated sugar well, pour in the cream and put on fire.
  2. Bring to a boil and, stirring constantly, cook for 4-5 minutes until the mixture begins to thicken.
  3. Place the container with the hot contents in a large saucepan with cold water.
  4. Separately, beat the butter until fluffy.
  5. Very carefully pour in the now cooled egg-sugar mixture.
  6. Beat until the mixture reaches a homogeneous “fluffy” consistency.
  7. At the end, add vanillin and you can use it for its intended purpose.

Variation of custard with added butter

A version of custard is often made with the addition of butter. To prepare it you need to take:

  • 400 ml milk;
  • 200 g granulated sugar;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 1 tbsp. spoons of flour;
  • a pack of butter;
  • vanillin;
  • a spoonful of cognac.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Fry the flour until golden brown in a frying pan without oil.
  2. Beat the yolks with sugar, gradually adding flour to them.
  3. At the end, stir in vanilla.
  4. Slowly add the whipped mixture into boiling milk.
  5. Bring everything to a boil and leave to cool.
  6. In another container, beat the butter.
  7. Add it to the cooled mixture in small portions, constantly whisking with a mixer.
  8. When the consistency becomes fluffy and voluminous, pour in a spoonful of cognac or any liqueur.

Custard curd cream

Children love this type of cream very much. It turns out light, tender with a pleasant sourness. To prepare you will need:

  • half a liter of milk;
  • a glass of granulated sugar;
  • half a glass of white flour;
  • pack of butter;
  • a pack of cottage cheese.

How to cook:

  1. Combine the milk with the sifted flour, stirring constantly so that there are no lumps. If they do appear, you can strain them.
  2. Cook the homogeneous mixture over low heat until it reaches the desired thickness.
  3. Beat the butter and granulated sugar until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  4. Punch the cottage cheese separately. If it is very dry, add a little milk.
  5. When all three compositions are ready, combine them. To do this, gradually add whipped butter to the cooled mixture of milk and flour, and finally cottage cheese.
  6. The cream should be soft and voluminous. You can add a little vanillin for scent.

Serve as dessert or decorate baked goods.

The most delicious custard with condensed milk

This recipe is great for baking with puff pastry. To prepare you will need:

  • a stick of butter;
  • can of condensed milk;
  • a quarter cup of granulated sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • vanillin;
  • a glass of milk.

What to do:

  1. Start by grinding eggs with granulated sugar.
  2. Heat the milk, but do not bring it to a boil.
  3. Pour the egg-sugar mixture into it in a thin stream.
  4. Cook until the mixture thickens and stir constantly, otherwise everything will burn.
  5. Leave to cool. You can place it in a large container with cold water to make it faster.
  6. Then add the butter, previously whipped until the volume doubles.
  7. At the end, stir in condensed milk and vanilla.
  8. Beat again for no more than a minute.

Chocolate cream

To get chocolate custard you should take the following products:

  • 500 ml milk;
  • a glass of granulated sugar;
  • 70 g flour;
  • 25 g cocoa;
  • 4 large eggs.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Beat the yolks, granulated sugar and cocoa until smooth.
  2. Shake 100 g of milk with sifted flour.
  3. Bring the remaining milk to a boil and pour it in a thin stream into the first chocolate mass. You need to mix very thoroughly and vigorously, otherwise the yolks will cook.
  4. Stir in the milk and flour mixture in the same way.
  5. Place over low heat and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes. Cool.
  6. Beat the whites into a stable foam.
  7. Gently fold the whipped whites into the cold chocolate mixture.
  8. When the chocolate custard becomes smooth, you can try it.

A simple recipe for custard made with water without milk

This is an ideal option if members of the household have milk intolerance or such a product is not found in the refrigerator. For further actions you will need:

  • a glass of granulated sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons flour;
  • glass of water;
  • pack of butter;
  • a little vanilla.

Cooking process:

  1. Combine half a glass of water with sugar and put on fire.
  2. Pour the remaining water into the flour and mix.
  3. Without waiting for the sugar mixture to boil, add the diluted flour to it. It is better to pour it in a stream to avoid the appearance of lumps.
  4. Stirring constantly, cook until the consistency of sour cream.
  5. Remove from heat and leave to cool.
  6. Add vanillin to the butter and beat until fluffy.
  7. Then mix in parts into the already cooled cream.
  8. Beat until it becomes thick and does not fall off.

Eggless variation

Making custard without eggs greatly simplifies the process, and even young housewives can handle it. At the same time, the sweet product will remain as tasty as one prepared with an egg base.

You will need:

  • a glass of milk;
  • half a glass of granulated sugar;
  • 150 g butter;
  • vanillin;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of white flour.

How to cook:

  1. In one bowl, dilute half the milk with sugar, and in another, the remaining part with flour.
  2. Put the milk and sugar on the fire; when it becomes hot, but not yet boiling, carefully pour in the milk and flour.
  3. To avoid lumps, you need to stir all the time.
  4. Cook until you get a consistency reminiscent of sour cream and stir constantly, avoiding burning.
  5. Cool the mixture and stir from time to time to prevent a film from forming on the surface.
  6. Separately beat the butter with vanilla.
  7. When the butter increases in volume and becomes fluffy, add it to the milk mixture in small portions.
  8. Beat until the cream becomes homogeneous, and then use as intended.

Custard recipe with starch

This cream is perfect for filling baked goods, such as tubes. It can also serve as an independent dessert. To get started you will need:

  • half a liter of milk;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • pack of butter;
  • egg;
  • a little vanillin;
  • 2 tablespoons potato starch.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Beat the egg, sugar and starch until smooth.
  2. Pour milk at room temperature into the resulting mixture, stir and place on low heat.
  3. Cook, stirring constantly, until thick. This may take up to half an hour. The time depends on the quality of the potato starch. The richer it is, the less time the process takes.
  4. When the mixture has cooled to room temperature, add the melted butter and beat until the cream becomes fluffy.

If you put it in bowls and decorate with fruit, you will get an extraordinary dessert.

In order for the custard to turn out and be tasty, you need to know some of the subtleties of its preparation. And first of all, any recipe involves cooking it on the stove:

  • The fire should be minimal, then the mixture will not burn.
  • It is better to use non-stick containers with a double bottom for cooking.
  • The preparations must be stirred constantly.
  • For stirring, use a wooden or silicone spoon (spatula).
  • When the cream is ready, it must be cooled by placing the dishes with the contents in a large saucepan with cold water.
  • To prevent a film from forming on the surface, the cooling workpiece must be stirred periodically.
  • Before using the butter, you should leave it for 30 minutes at room temperature, so it will heat up and whip faster.
  • Eggs, on the contrary, are beaten cold.
  • The mixture thickens due to flour and eggs; if they are not available, you can achieve the desired consistency by adding starch.
  • If you use only yolks, the cream will become bright and rich.
  • Vanillin or cognac is usually added for flavor. These ingredients are added only to the cold mixture.
  • If you want the cream to be thicker, you need to reduce the amount of liquid.
  • Readiness can be determined by dipping a spoon into the homogeneous mixture. If the mass does not drain from it, then the cream is ready.

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The most accurate and complete description: a recipe for milk cream for a cake - from the best chefs in a large but informative article, collected from all corners of the Internet and books.

  • Custard is perhaps one of the most popular for layering cakes and pastries. The milk custard recipe has several variations. The most famous ones are given below.

    Classic custard with milk

    • milk - 2 cups;
    • sugar - 1 cup;
    • eggs - 2 units;
    • flour - 2 table. l;
    • drain oil - 50 gr.

    Initially, let the milk warm up over low heat. It is recommended to use a container with a thick bottom.

    While the milk is warming up, quickly whisk the egg-sugar mixture. When the mass is well ground, sift the flour and grind again until smooth. The flour should not form lumps.

    By this point the milk will be warm. Gradually add a third of it to the prepared mass, mixing everything thoroughly. When you get a homogeneous slurry with a thin consistency, pour it into the remaining milk and mix. Brew the cream until it thickens to the desired consistency for the cake. It is important to stir it constantly, otherwise the cream may burn.

    As soon as the dessert acquires the required thickness, turn off the heat and add oil to it. Continue stirring until the piece has completely melted and the mass becomes homogeneous. Cool.

    On a note. To stir the cream in the warming milk, it is recommended to use a spatula instead of a spoon - it will better collect the cream from the bottom, preventing it from burning.

    No added eggs

    Custard without eggs turns out much more tender than the classic version.

    For cooking you will need the following amount of products:

    • half stack Sahara;
    • stack milk;
    • 3 table. l. flour;
    • 100 g plums. oils

    Combine the milk with sugar and place on low heat, stirring constantly until the sugar dissolves.

    As soon as the milk warms up, sift the flour into it and beat little by little with a whisk/mixer. Boil the mixture to a consistency reminiscent of rich sour cream. After this, the fire can be turned off and left to cool.

    No video available

    When the cream becomes warm, add soft butter to it and beat it using a mixer. The mass will become fluffy and smooth in the process.

    Custard for sponge cake

    A lush, light cream that perfectly saturates the biscuit is obtained from the following proportions of products:

    • 120 g sugar;
    • 600 g milk;
    • 5 g vanilla sugar;
    • 6 egg yolks.

    Beat the yolks with sugar until the mixture turns into light foam. Pour in the milk and whisk again. Put everything together on the fire, slowly boil and cook until thick, stirring constantly.

    The custard for the biscuit can be cooled for 15-20 minutes and immediately applied to the biscuit cakes. The dessert must be allowed to harden in the refrigerator. It is recommended to leave it to soak overnight.

    Vanilla cake layer

    Vanilla cream of a pleasant yellowish hue with vanilla flavor for the cake is prepared from the following amount of products:

    • 2 stacks milk;
    • 6 eggs yolk;
    • 100 g sugar;
    • 40 grams of starch;
    • 50 g plums. oils;
    • 6 grams of vanillin.
  • Find excellent, tested recipes for custard cream with milk on the culinary interests club website. Try options without eggs and butter, classic “English”, with chocolate, with flour and starch. Surprise your loved ones with an unforgettable cream!

    For custard, it is better to choose milk that is not too rich and, of course, the freshest eggs. This cream is used to fill cakes, eclairs, pastries and simply as an independent dessert. It does not require expensive or rare products to create. And its undoubted advantage will be its versatility.

    The five most commonly used ingredients in milk custard recipes are:

    Interesting recipe:
    1. Beat the cooled eggs with a mixer with sugar, gradually adding the required amount of flour and vanillin.
    2. In a thin stream, stirring continuously with a whisk, pour the egg mixture into fairly hot, but never boiling, milk.
    3. Place the future cream on a very low heat and bring to a boil, stirring continuously.
    4. As soon as the mass thickens and the first boiling bubbles appear, remove the saucepan from the heat and cool.
    5. Add softened aromatic butter and whipped with a mixer to the slightly warm cream.
    6. Mix everything thoroughly.

    Five fastest recipes for custard cream with milk:

    Helpful Tips:
    . It is very important to keep track of this. So that lumps of flour do not form, otherwise it can ruin the entire cream.
    . Before cooking, you can lightly fry the flour in a dry frying pan. This technique will give the cream a wonderful light nutty flavor.
    . If you add a little turmeric to the cream, it will acquire a bright yellow tint.
    . To prevent a crust from forming on the surface of the cream after cooling, it must be stirred from time to time.

    The dry mixture for making cream, which is sold in stores, can hardly be called a healthy and tasty product. The ingredients alone are worth it - thickeners, flavorings, flavor enhancers... Rather than buying ready-made custard, isn't it better to learn how to cook it yourself? You won’t have to look for a long time to use the cream - it is both a delicious dessert and an excellent layer for, filling for. My milk custard recipe is for 1 liter. It is very simple, and the cream simply cannot fail.

    Recipe Information

    Cooking method: cooking


    • milk – 1 liter
    • flour – 5 tbsp. l
    • sugar – 1 glass
    • eggs – 3 pcs.
    • butter – 100 g.


    1. Prepare two bowls. Break the eggs into a deep bowl and add half a glass of sugar.

    2. In another bowl, mix flour and remaining sugar. Flour and sugar must be mixed so that the flour mixture does not form lumps when mixed with the egg mixture.

    3. Beat the eggs with sugar until foamy.

      Add flour and sugar to the egg mixture. Stir thoroughly to remove all lumps.

    4. Constantly stirring the mixture with a whisk, pour in cold milk (or at room temperature) in a thin stream. You should get a homogeneous liquid mass without lumps.

    5. Pour it into a saucepan, put it on low heat (preferably on a divider). Stir the mixture constantly with a spoon or wooden spatula. As the cream heats up, it will begin to thicken very quickly. Bring to a boil, by this point the mass will thicken well (like semolina porridge), begin to “puff”, and “gurgles” will appear on the surface. Cook the cream from the moment of boiling for 3-4 minutes. Stir vigorously, the sweet and thick cream sticks strongly to the bottom and can burn.

    6. Remove the cream from the heat. Cool until warm (up to 35-40 degrees).. Add butter, stir (the butter should disperse), lightly beat the cream with a spoon.

    7. Cool the finished cream, place it in bowls and sprinkle with grated chocolate. A delicious dessert is ready!

    Advice. The amount of flour in the recipe is given to prepare a thick cream for dessert. If you need cream for cakes, use less flour. Liquid cream will quickly absorb and better saturate the cakes, while thick cream, on the contrary, will remain a separate layer.

    Butter cream “Pyatiminutka”

    Butter cream “Pyatiminutka”

    . Butter - 250 g (room temperature)
    . Powdered sugar - 200 g
    . Milk - 100 ml (I added 150 grams, you can add 200 grams, the cream will be even softer and less greasy!)
    . Vanillin - 1 packet.

    *Boil the milk and cool to room temperature.
    (I used sterilized milk at room temperature and did not boil it)
    *Connect all components

    *Beat with a mixer until the mass becomes homogeneous and pearly in color. Approximately 3-5 minutes. (Sometimes the cream starts to whip only after 5 minutes, so beat until it whips)

    *The cream turns out fluffy, delicate, with a light vanilla aroma.

    Although the cream is oily, it is not as fatty as butter + condensed milk!
    - Keeps its shape perfectly! You can add different dyes and make different decorations (then, after whipping, cool the cream in the refrigerator).
    - Made easily and quickly and from affordable products!
    - Very tasty!

    - butter should be at room temperature, slightly soft, elastic when pressed! That is, it should not be very soft...

    The butter must be good, of high quality, otherwise the cream will not whip up, the butter will flake off...

    You can add lemon juice to the cream...

    If the cream seems thick or greasy to you, you can add more milk and beat again

    You need to apply the cream onto the biscuit in a thin layer, in moderation, otherwise the taste of the cream will prevail and it will be too greasy.

    Store in the refrigerator, but half an hour before using it, it is better to remove it from the refrigerator so that the cream thaws a little.

    Butter cream "Pyatiminutka" chocolate

    According to the recipe, it was necessary to add butter, milk, powder and cocoa and beat everything until a homogeneous smooth cream.

    Well, that’s what I did, I put everything in a cup.

    And she started whisking. I beat for 3-4 minutes, but nothing was whipped, this is the mass that remained

    I thought that it was probably because of the cocoa, because it always worked for me. So I decided to whip up half the amount of cream without cocoa (regular). And how surprised I was when the same picture came out! The cream doesn’t whip and that’s it! But before, 3-5 minutes was enough!
    I decided to beat it a little longer... I beat it, I beat it, the same picture... and then... and it immediately began to thicken! And it turned out to be an excellent thick, shiny cream!
    I just had to be patient and beat longer.

    I decided to see if such a miracle would happen with my chocolate cream.
    Again I whisked for a long time, nothing changed, it didn’t thicken, it remained the same as above in the photo... and then at one point... it started to thicken!
    This is how it turned out

    Magic in your kitchen